Monday, February 4, 2013

Learn from the Badger: Stand in Holy Places

“Aaron, Satan has no power if you’re not afraid of him. He becomes real through man’s fear and superstition. The bear is a large and ferocious animal, but he won’t attack a badger. Do you know why?
Aaron answered, “Because the badger is not afraid of him?”
“That’s right, and the badger also stays out of the bear’s way” (p.55, Brown Jr., Tom. The Search. New York: Prentice Hall, 1980.).
While there might be some room for discussion in what Tom means in the second sentence, I really love the lesson taught in this example. I think the most powerful part is the last line: that the badger also stays out of the bear’s way. Sure, if you are not afraid that counts for a lot. Having no fear is enough to scare and intimidate a bear. But if a badger does get into a fight with a bear, the bear will win. So what does the badger do? It avoids the bear!

Applying this to our life and Satan what do we learn? Not fearing Satan strips him of power. But if we do get in a direct fight, Satan will most likely win. That is just the way it is. So avoid the fight. Don’t EVER let Satan in. Don’t tease him or toy with him. You will lose, just as a badger against a bear. But, like the badger, the thought comes to mind: Stand ye in holy places (D&C 87:8). If we want to win the fight with Satan, why not just avoid the fight. Don’t go where Satan goes. Don’t be where Satan is. Surround yourself with light and have no fear.


Elynn said...

I love the "Stand in Holy Places" scriptures. I have spent a lot of time studing them and what it means from an individuals perspective. I appreciate the insight from the badger :)

Craig and Lesley said...

I'm glad I read this! Good wisdom.